Line Up -
- DJ
Border One
Hypnotic Black Magic
100 LDK
Start Time -
- 23:00 –
Ticket -
- ¥3000
ヒプノティックのパイオニアNESS、トランシー且つディープの礎TokenよりBorder Oneを迎えて、LDGの新旧レーベルサウンドとYUTAによるオープニングセット。
熟考を重ねテクノに振り切ったROOM2には、ベルリンよりHypnotic Black Magic、国内テクノシーンの未来を担う福岡からTatsuoki、一線を博すブッキングが代名詞のDREAMSCAPEよりYUI、そして新たな次世代ホープのSAKUと、MUTEKなどに名を連ねる大御所VJ 100LDKがラインナップされた、数年振りのLabel Showcaseとなる。
NESS, a top of hypnotic techno that needs no explanation. The new star Border One from Token, the most important label of trancey deep techno. LDG’s old/new label sounds and YUTA will be playing opening set.
In ROOM2, which has been carefully considered and swung to techno, features Art Bei Ton’s promoter Hypnotic Black Magic from Berlin, who creates parties in various locations around the world. Tatsuoki from Fukuoka, who is expected to be the future of the Japanese techno scene. YUI is a founder from DREAMSCAPE, which is cutting-edge booking and sound concept. And the next generation of hope, SAKU will be in the lineup for the Label Showcase.