Line Up -
- DJ Josko from Italy
Start Time -
- 22:00 –
Ticket -
- ¥1500
OZORAのDOME STAGEで約10年という長い歳月に渡りレジデントを担当し、イタリアンテクノを代表する一人Brando Lupiの盟友にしてアシッドサウンドマスターの異名を持つDJ Joskoの凱旋ツアー。迎えるローカルは、Plazmaをローンチさせ頭角を表したTomoyaと、東京を代表する次世代DJの呼び声が高いimusに、春を感じるアップテンポなサイケデリックグルーブをドロップするYUTAらでお送りする、一晩を紡ぎ一つの答えを見出す “Prologue 02”
Prologue, a party that transcends borders and develops at MITSUKI in Shibuya. Under the theme of “Beginnings” is back!
DJ Josko, resident of OZORA DOME STAGE for over the 10 years, is an ally of one of the leading representatives of Italian techno Brando Lupi, and DJ Josko is also known as the acid sound master. Local DJs include Tomoya, who launched Plazma and has figured as a prominent. imus, a next-generation talented DJ representing Tokyo. And YUTA drops up-tempo psychedelic grooves that make you feel like Spring.
Weaving through the night to find one answer “Prologue 02”