Line Up -
- DJ
DJ Gordon(asylum) from Macau
Mari Sakurai
Start Time -
- 22:00 –
Ticket -
- ¥1500
マカオ拠点・中国テクノシーンのキーマンであり、Tresor Asia Showcaseを展開するDJ Gordonが再来。そして、説明不要のMari Sakuraiを迎え、アジアンテクノを体現できるまたとない “Prologue 03” となる。
3rd episode of Prologue, a party that transcends all borders and develops at Shibuya’s MITSUKI, with the theme of “Beginnings”
DJ Gordon, who is based in Macau, is a key person in the China’s techno scene, he is a promoter of Tresor Asia Showcase. And Mari Sakurai, who is representing the Tokyo techno scene, no needs further explanation.
You can experience Asian Techno at “Prologue 03”