Line Up -
- Line Up
Daniel[i] -Live
Keita B2B Dsk
Tukasa Saitoh
Start Time -
- 23:00 –
Ticket -
- Door: ¥3000
U-25 / Before-24:00: ¥2000
昨年の新年会は入場規制になるほど凄まじい盛り上がりを見せたLDGと、海外のヒプノティックテクノシーンにその名が知れる存在となったOTSUKIMI、数年ぶりのチームアップとなるパーティ “LDG×OTSUKIMI”
Circle Of Liveへの参加、Orb MagazineのポッドキャストにミックスやClaudio PRCのレーベルに楽曲を提供するベルギー出身のヒプノティックスター、Daniel[i]をドイツより招聘。南ヨーロッパのフェスMostraや数々のクラブから引っ張りだこ、ポルトガルの門番Amuladorが膨大なテクノライブラリーを引っ提げ初来日。そして、大阪テクノシーンにおいて絶対的なアイコンと言えようLoeを迎える。
We sincerely hope that everyone affected by the Noto earthquake will be able to return to a life of relief as soon as possible.
2024, first drop!
LDG, whose New Year’s party last year was packed that admission was limited, and OTSUKIMI has become well known in the international hypnotic techno scene, teamed up for the first time in several years for the “LDG x OTSUKIMI” party.
Daniel[i], a Belgian hypnotic star who has participated in Circle Of Live, and provided mixed for Orb Magazine’s podcast, also music for Claudio PRC’s label, will be coming to Japan from Germany for the first time.
Amulador, a Portuguese gatekeeper who is playing at many festivals such as Mostra and numerous clubs in southern Europe, comes to Japan with his vast techno library.
And Loe, an absolute icon in the Osaka techno scene.