Line Up -
- Line Up
The. Sound
Start Time -
- 23:00 –
Ticket -
- ¥3000 ( w1d )
今回LDGは、プロモーターとしても才能を魅せる東京シーンの新たな若手代表と言えようimusと開催する。そして日本の至宝であり我々も絶大な信頼を寄せるDJ YAZIを招聘、緻密なコンセプトと共にオファー。サウンドオペは、VENTやHIRANYA等の現場で究極の耳心地を追うThe. Soundと構築を試みる。
We welcome the overwhelming presence and great Tobias. who has found a immeasurable influence and potential in the electronic music scene.
At LDG, the relationship began in 2021 when we asked Tobias. to do the mastering. In 2022, we offered Tobias. for a closing set at EDEN in Kawaba Ski Resort, and we still clearly remember being astonished by the outstanding performance. This year, we hope you will fully enjoy Tobias. who will perform a rare set at SPREAD.
This time, LDG will be hosting with imus, a new young representative of the Tokyo scene who is also a talented promoter. We have also invited DJ YAZI, a Japanese treasure and one of our most trusted DJs, to play with a delicate concept. For the sound operation, we will attempt to build with “The. Sound” which pursues the ultimate comfort of the ear at venues such as VENT.