Track List -
- No Choice (Original Mix) - MASA
- Object Coord (Original Mix) - CD HATA & MASARU
- Artist :
- Series :
- DELTA 01
- Label :
- Liquid Drop Groove
- Catalog :
- LDG003
- Date :
- 2017.08.15
Track 1 Produced and Written by Masayuki Kurihara
Track 2 Produced and Written by CD HATA & MASARU
Ricardo GardunoとA.Mochiの2曲を収録したBETAシリーズの発足に続き、国内アーティストにフォーカスした新シリーズDELTAが始動!Space GatheringのMASAが Liquid Drop Groove をイメージした新曲 ”No Choice”、Dachamboとしての活動も著しいCD HATAと日本最北テクノアーティストMASARUによる新曲 ”Object Coord” を含むDELTAシリーズは、国産アーティストと常に最先端を見据えたサイケデリックテクノをコンセプトに世界に向け発信する。
Following the launched of the BETA series was included two tracks by
Ricardo Garduno and A. Mochi and now Liquid Drop Groove release the new EP series DELTA is more focused on release the Japanese domestic artists tunes toward to world.
The special new track “No Choice” created by MASA from Space Gathering and2nd track “Object Coord” by CD HATA from Dachambo and MASARU from nothernmost Japan.Both artists are always leading edge with the domestic scene for psychedelic techno.
Please feel the Japanese Techno scene!