Line Up -
- 2F
Rrose -Live
Newwave Project a.k.a. Kuniyuki -Live
PA: The. Sound
Jin Synth
Akiram En
Incense: cokyu
DJ Gordon
Takumi Inamoto
Start Time -
- 23:00 –
Ticket -
- Advance Phase1 ¥3,000
DOOR ¥4000
Before 24:00 ¥2500
U-25 ¥2500
Attention -
- 20歳未満の方のご入場は一切お断りさせて頂きます。エントランスで、IDの提示が必須となりますので、必ず写真付き身分証明書ご持参下さるようお願い申し上げます
メインフロアのヘッドライナーには、昨年LDG “new year” でのDJ Setが圧巻だったRroseが今年はLive Setで還ってくる。Agaitidaに幾度となく出演を重ねるKuniyukiが別名義Newwave Projectとして、希少なトランス・テクノのLive Setを披露。そして、LDGにとって偉大な存在であり絶対的な信頼のDJ YAZIと、YUTAは真骨頂のオープニングセットで登壇。LDGは初となるVJ界のパイオニアREALROCKDESIGNと、東京サウンドエンジニアの名手The. Soundが脇を固める。
4Fには、ヨーロッパのトライバルなディープテクノシーンで存在感を色濃く発揮する逸材のレーベルOn BoardからニューカマーにしてBerghainやMostaなどに名を連ねるJin Synthをロンドンより招聘。もはや説明不要の日本が誇る至宝Akiram EnとIORIが圧倒的なクオリティと共に満を持してLDGのステージに立つ。空間演出は奇才KUKAN、新たな試みcokyuが華を添える。
コラボレートがコンセプトの1Fは、群を抜いて精力的に活動する若手筆頭株、海外ツアーも好調な滑り出しとなった新星YANNYがキュレーションを担当。ここ東京でも着々と根を張る百戦錬磨、マカオからはDJ Gordonが最新トラックを引っ提げ来日。今回のダークホースにして本場ニューヨークのSustain Releaseにも出演するDJ TRYSTEROに、LDGとも親和性が高いTranscendenceよりTakumi InamotoがついにLDG初出演となる。
Tokyo based techno label “Liquid Drop Groove” will hold first label showcase in 2024 at Shibuya WOMB on Friday 23 February. Express the LDG style with a massive techno lineup on the all floors!
The headliner on the main floor is Rrose, who had a spectacular DJ set at LDG “new year” in 2023, and returns with a Live set this year. And Kuniyuki, who has performed at Agaitida many times, will perform a rare trance-techno as his another name Newwave Project. Then DJ YAZI, a great presence and we absolute trust for music taste. YUTA will be playing with his quintessential opening set.
The 4F floor features Jin Synth, an up and coming London artist who has played at Berghain and Mosta. Jin comes from On Board, which has a strong label in the European tribal deep techno scene. The Japanese treasures Akiram En and IORI will take the stage at LDG with their overwhelming quality.
On the 1F floor, which is concept of collaboration will be curated by YANNY, who is active and energetic as a leading new generation. DJ Gordon from Macau, a veteran is steadily taking root here in Tokyo, will come to Japan with his latest tracks. DJ TRYSTERO, the dark horse of this party and a playing at New York’s “Sustain Release”. And Takumi Inamoto of Transcendence, who has a music sympathy with us and will finally perform at LDG for the first time.
It will be a diverse techno night where you can experience the deepest Tokyo!